Ahhhhhhh, these stunning eyes, this gorgeous smile, the stylish clothing, the COOL Lighthouse & this spectacular young woman was just an evening worth savoring :) Miss Tori, you are GORGEOUS on the inside and out....What an absolute JOY it was for me to have the honor of photographing this very exciting & special time in your life. You are definitely going to be *moving mountains* in the years to come :)
I know, I know, the thought of the kids going back to school already makes me SO sad (I LOVE having mine home), but I can't think of a better way to start their school year then to have "Back to School" custom portraits taken before the mad rush of the 1st day of school arrives. And the BEST part is.............YOU get to choose the location (which could be right @ your child's school, in front of the school sign or even on that playground they've been dying to try out :) ) Dates are limited, so please contact me right away if you'd like to schedule a portrait session. Have a very blessed day everyone!