HAPPY HAPPY 1st Birthday, precious Lil' one :) WOW, do these babies grow up fast! Mr. & Mrs. "L", it's been such a blessing for me to watch your precious lil' Angel experience so many firsts over the past year. Enjoy your sneak peek. It was wonderful spending the morning with you yesterday.
I'm just at a loss for words this week, but I do have to say, I just ADORE this beautiful family & their precious little Angels :) Meet lil' "big man", Mr. "H" (weighing in @ 10 lbs. 4 oz.) and his proud big brother, "E" (as cute as cute can be). Enjoy your sneak peek Mr. & Mrs. "L". I can't wait to show you the rest :)
Whoever created my most despised phrase "Time Heals", either lied or has never experienced a significant loss. A year ago today, I was holding my Mother's hand as she took her very last breath here on Earth & our glorious Father carried her Home. The only thing time has done for me is make me miss my Mom and yearn for her even more. **Click on the title above "Time does not heal" to view a video I created for my Mother's funeral. It's long, but Beautiful~~Just like my mother's love :)
Jodi Ford Fundraiser Event: Jodi is a 30 year old single mother of two beautiful children who's world came crashing down on her 3 weeks ago. With no warning signs at all, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Adeno Carcinoma Cancer. Doctor's told her that her type will not go into remission. A spaghetti dinner will be held on July 19, 2009 from 12:00pm - 6:00 p.m. to help ease the family's financial burden and hopefully set up a trust fund for her children. The dinner will take place at Trenton VFW Hall (2763 Veterans Parkway Trenton, Mi. (across from Dairy Queen)). Please come out and support Jodi and her family! Tickets are available: Adults $10; Kids 6-12 $5 and children 5 and under are free. Silent auctions, 50/50 raffle, bag raffle will also be available on this day. If anyone would like to donate any prizes, please contact Carrie Ross @ 734-672-7169 or via e-mail @ carriesellsliasophia@yahoo.com.
Jodi, you and your beautiful children (and family) will always have a special place in my heart. May the Lord comfort and bless you all during this very difficult time.