What an absolute Honor it was for me to capture such special memories for the "C" Family!!! They are not only beautiful on the outside, but just as beautiful on the inside as well. Mr. "G" stole the show with his charming personality & a smile that could light up any city street! And Lil' Mr. "R" had me wrapped around his cute little finger from the second I saw those GORGEOUS lil' cheeks. Enjoy your sneak peek Mr. & Mr. "C". It was so wonderful meeting you all.
Nothing melts my heart more than seeing a Daddy with his girls.............However, when they're Mine, my heart beats to a different tune & I fall in love all over again! My girls got to enjoy a night out with their Daddy for their annual Daddy/Daughter Date Night! Daddy goes all out with dressing up, roses, fine dining, dancing & ends the evening with a little ice cream! Every little girls dream that's for sure! They all came home with HUGE smiles & tired eyes~~What a blessing they all are in my life! :)
I have had the honor of photographing Mr. "L" for the past 3 years and each year that passes, he amazes me more & more!! Today, Mr. "L" brought someone very special with him.............his newborn baby brother, Lil' Mr. "P". What an absolute HONOR and blessing it is for me to have the privilege of capturing such cherished moments for this beautiful family! Congratulations Mr. & Mr. "H" on your newest little Angel. What a blessing both your gorgeous boys are :) Enjoy your sneak peek!!